Thursday, October 22, 2009

Roasted Sweet Potato Kit Kat

It's autumn in Japan and that means that purple sweet potatoes are in season. I'm surprised actually I haven't received a big bag of them yet from any of my farmer friends but I did help out the ninth grader sitting next to me at lunch today by taking hers off her hands. I couldn't believe she didn't like them. Although they aren't as good as an American yam, Japanese purple sweet potatoes are still pretty high on the list of veggies I like. And they are one of the few veggies I imagine that would make a good Kit Kat.

And a good Kit Kat it is. Unlike the other fall flavor, Kinako Ohagi Kit Kat, this one came in a mixed bag with the classic chocolate. (On a side note I love the mixed bags because I rarely have an excuse to buy regular Kit Kats and it reminds me just how awesome the classic chocolate really is.) Each Roasted Sweet Potato mini is roughly 68 calories. They are slightly yellow-ish in color and smell like sweet potatoes. Biting into it, there is definitely a distinct sweet potato taste with all of the texture of a Kit Kat. It helps I think that there is sweet potato flavoring in both the chocolate and the creme between the wafers (at least that's what is said on the back of the bag.) It's sweet in the way that a potato is sweet - in a good way but not overly so. If you like Sweet Potato Casserole or Sweet Potato Pie then you are already accustomed to the sweet potato being used in dessert so the jump to a Kit Kat is not a large one. For someone like me, who loves everything from sweet potato fries, sweet potato casserole, or sweet potatoes in my kyushoku, this was a success.

Final Score: 8


  1. Do they make tempura sweet potatoes?

  2. Oh i love sweet potatos, have never seen purple ones in this country though let alone a kit kat form. Sounds like a nice combo though and i think the mixed bags is a lovely idea.

    As for ordering online- the 3 Japanese ones and one chunky Australian one i have tried i ordered online but it's almost impossible to find suppliers that ship to the UK or don't chrage an absolute ridiculous amount. I use one store, they are pretty good but they have such small stock and aren't very quick to get them in. It's such a shame becuase i'd be happy to pay for them but clearly the demand isn't high enough. It could be different in different countries i guess?

  3. Ooh goodie!! Got to buy!

    And by the way there is a new online Japanese store that stocks all the japanese flavours including regional ones and they ship worldwide

    They also have very reasonable prices for shipping by air or economy.

  4. I am so excited to try these, they sound amazing. Great review.

  5. Erin - I think so. But I see it most often cut up and baked with honey and sesame seeds. It's oishii.

    Ellie - I had never seen purple sweet potatoes either until I came to Japan. They must not be very popular in western countries.

    Kelly - THANK YOU for the link! I now have hope of continuing this blog after I leave Japan next year.

    Pocky Watch - I'll be watching for your review. :-)

    Thanks everyone for reading and commenting!

  6. Just got this one in one of those mini packs. I find it a bit too sweet. Janet of Malaysia
